United in the love of Jesus Christ, the Church of St. Edward will be a welcoming and thriving community that shares in the joys and sorrows of life. We will build a place of engaging worship, compassionate ministry, active outreach, and inclusive fellowship. Together we will form the next generation, share the Catholic faith, and show our love for God and neighbor.
Our vision comes down to these three central themes:
Our Game Plan identifies three core priorities that will be the focus of the next three years. Each priority has specific goals we will be working towards over the life of the plan and beyond.
Building upon the success of our liturgy, homily, music, and worship, we will enhance the full parish experience.
GOAL 1: Increase Mass attendance of registered parishioners to pre-COVID numbers (~1,000/weekend) by May 31, 2026.
GOAL 2: Engage 625 parishioners who are at least 16 years old in at least one non-Mass event/activity by May 31, 2026.
GOAL 3: Of those parishioners who have participated in a non-Mass event/activity, 75% agree or strongly agree that our activities add value to their lives by May 31, 2026.
Meeting parishioners where they’re at now, then helping them to move forward in their relationship with their faith.
GOAL 1: Increase the number of parishioners who strongly agree that their parish helps them grow spiritually from 31% to 40% on the next Disciple Maker Index* survey in 2026.
*The Disciple Maker Index survey is a tool from the Catholic Leadership Institute that invites parishioners to reflect on where they are on their journey of discipleship and enables parish leadership to make data-driven decisions to help parishioners grow in their faith.
Extending our reach to the community around us through active outreach efforts, sharing our faith and encouraging others to do the same.
GOAL 1: Offer 3-5 evangelization opportunities to the larger community, sharing our passion for Christ by May 31, 2026.
GOAL 2: Increase the number of parishioners who indicate that they volunteered to serve a member of the community on at least a quarterly basis to 275 on the next Disciple Maker Index* survey in 2026.
*The Disciple Maker Index survey is a tool from the Catholic Leadership Institute that invites parishioners to reflect on where they are on their journey of discipleship and enables parish leadership to make data-driven decisions to help parishioners grow in their faith.
Central to defining who we wish to be are our values. Our values are what we come back to when we are confused. They are enduring and a public statement of what we stand and strive for.
Integrity, credibility, and transparency are crucial to remaining true to God, ourselves, and our Church. This requires honesty and humility to acknowledge our shortcomings as individuals and as a parish.
We will communicate projects, initiatives, discussions, and decisions with parishioners to provide transparency and opportunities for feedback.
We will remain true to Catholic teachings with love and respect for all.
We will strive to be examples of the Christian life, being open and honest with humble hearts, acknowledging the times we failed to live it out.
Every person is a child of God and is equally loved by God, and therefore shall be treated as such.
We will create diverse groups and ministries, listening and taking into consideration all thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
We will recognize cultural differences and be inclusive in our celebrations and ministries.
We will be a place of joy, gratitude, and love, charitable in both our words and actions; accepting each person, wherever they are in the faith journey.
As individual children of God, The Church of St. Edward gathers as a family, brought together by the Holy Spirit. This spiritual family will be merciful, compassionate, and patient with one another.
We will engage parishioners, from all generations, by offering faith programs that meet their needs.
We will be a place of community, fellowship, and hospitality by recognizing and including each person with a smile, conversation, and genuine concern for their life.
We will offer spiritual, emotional, or financial support and direction for those in need.
As the hands and feet of Christ, we are called to be good stewards of our time, talents, and treasure; individually and as a Church. Our generosity toward others will be filled with joy, compassion, and kindness thus showing the love God has for those in need.
We will promote opportunities to give time, personally inviting members to be involved in social justice and service ministries.
We will promote opportunities to give talent, providing opportunities for laity to come together, providing ministries that serve those in our parish and the greater community.
We will promote opportunities to give treasure, including both tithing to our parish, and giving to charitable funds.
Created in the image and likeness of God, we are called to be the reflection of His holiness in all aspects of our lives. God has a unique mission for each of us and we are all called to share in the greater mission of Christ.
We will reflect the love and joy of Christ through our liturgy, sacraments, adoration, and prayer, all for the glory of God.
We will be a listening church, hearing and acknowledging the concerns and ideas of all members.
We will be engaged with the greater Catholic Community through involvement and engagement with our Archdiocese.