Many of you took part in our Synod Small Groups held over six evenings in the fall of 2021. You listened to formative material, shared prayer time, discussion, and had an opportunity to submit suggestions for Archbishop’s Synod priorities. From our submissions, a resounding theme was the need for small group ministries. Archbishop Hebda also observed this need not only in our parish, but in parishes throughout the Archdiocese, and he has called for an initiative to reinvigorate small group ministries at every parish throughout the Archdiocese.
In order to do this, Archbishop Hebda asked each pastor to appoint 12 people from the parish to help plan and implement this need for small group ministry. Our team of 12, called the Synod Evangelization Team (SET), attended a seven-week School of Discipleship alongside nearly 2000 other leaders from across the Archdiocese. We also participated in a seminar held at Williams Arena this past May. The next step in our implementation and reinvigoration of small groups at St. Edward will be to form our leaders for small group ministry.
Small Group Leader Formation sessions will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings for seven weeks starting on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 7:00PM. We need many leaders to help jumpstart small group ministry at St. Edward, so please prayerfully consider if God may be calling you to this new initiative and ministry. The sessions are for everyone who wants to learn more about participation in small groups, anyone who would like to be a small group leader, as well as those who are not sure if they would like to be a leader. Registration for this series is now closed.