Funeral services are generally celebrated in the church Wednesday through Friday, as our schedule permits. We can also live stream funerals from the church to our Funerals page and our YouTube channel.
If you have a death in your family, please contact the parish office at 952-835-7101 to notify us of your loss.
As part of our funeral ministry, St. Edward’s has a rich tradition of providing funeral luncheons after the Mass. This is truly an extension of Jesus’s table fellowship towards those who are hurting. Volunteers are needed for this wonderfully rewarding ministry! Please consider joining one of the Funeral Luncheon teams!
Volunteers in the Grief Card Ministry send cards to the family of the deceased for a full year following the death. They are given a packet of cards that they send the family at Christmas, Easter, All Saints Day, and the one year anniversary of the death. This is a touching ministry that lets the family know during the difficult moments during the first year, that the parish is thinking of them, praying for them, and that they are not alone.
Grief is a universal experience. St. Edward is part of the Bloomington-Richfield Grief Support Coalition which provides support and education for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. Sessions are held year round and participation is free. No registration required.
The Homebound Eucharistic Ministers visit parishioners who are homebound and bring them Holy Communion. Currently we have more people needing visitors than volunteers. If you would like to be part of this important ministry, or if you are unable to get to Mass and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact us.
If you or a family member are hospitalized, and would like a parish hospital visitor to bring you communion and a caring presence, please contact us. Due to patient privacy guidelines, the parish does not get notified of parishioner admissions to hospitals or Care Centers.
Don't hesitate to call our parish priest to ask for prayer and the Sacrament of the Sick prior to surgery, or when diagnosed with serious illness.
First Tuesdays | 11:30am | Fall through Spring
Grab your lunch and join us for a presentation on senior health and wellness. Each month we explore a different topic with a professional in the field. Presentations are in the Social Hall or in the Auditorium; check the events page for information each month. Coffee will be provided. No RSVP needed.
Anyone in need of solace can be provided with a hand-knit and blessed shawl by a group of knitters. Each knitter begins each shawl with prayer and a blessing for the recipient and continues to pray with each stitch that is made until the shawl is completed. It is our hope that the shawl will be a tangible expression of the care St. Edward‘s community has for each recipient.
The memorial garden creates a sacred space for the interment of cremated human remains on the grounds of our spiritual home. The garden includes a brick path made in the shape of a Celtic cross, creating a beautiful meditation garden close to home. The presence of the memorial garden gives comfort to those who mourn and inspires our community to celebrate the fullness of Christian life.
Masonic Home Mass is celebrated on the first Thursday of the month at 10:00am, at the Masonic Home assisted living and skilled nursing care facility in Bloomington. Catholic residents of the Masonic Home are invited to Mass in their chapel. Volunteers from St. Edward‘s escort residents to the chapel, visit with them, and offer care and assistance during the Mass. Music is also provided. Eucharistic Ministers bring Communion to individuals in their rooms twice per month on Monday mornings. Residents of the Masonic Home may call the parish office if they would like the Sacrament of Anointing.
Amira Choice A communion service is celebrated on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 10:00am.
Stephen Ministry is a confidential, one-to-one caring ministry through which a layperson provides caring support to someone who is experiencing an unexpected or on-going life challenge.
A Stephen Minister IS a Caring Christian who listens and offers encouragement and support. They are a non-judgmental person with a deep personal commitment to provide confidential care and they receive training, continuing education, and supervision.
A Stephen Minister IS NOT a counselor or therapist, casual visitor or problem solver.
Second Tuesdays | 11:00am | Fall through Spring
Are you a widow? Do you ever feel isolated? Do you feel like no one knows what you are going through?
Sometimes the support we need most comes from someone walking the same path. Widow to Widow provides spiritual support, community, understanding, and encouragement for widows of all ages. If you are interested in participating in Widow to Widow, join us in the library to meet and support each other. You are not alone.